Monday, August 27, 2012

Fix it up

I love the Good Will Stores, you can always find something that is exactly what you want, even if you didn't know it at the time. I found a pair great capri pants that need just a little bit of work to make them great for me. There are a few loose buttons that need to be tightened and then I want to take some length off too, because they end right at my ankle and I don't like that. So this is crafty me fixing it up...
The Before. A little too long for my taste even with a cute pair of heals.

And a few loose buttons.

A missing closure---still working on this problem.

A few quick stitched with the good old needle and thread, tightens that button.

The original length of the leg.

Cuff it up one time to take care of the length

Don't forget to pin them in place so they don't move while you sew

Sew around the whole leg

Finally a good length.
Paired with a cute top and a pair of heals and I'm ready for date night.