This week I tried my hand and making and canning pickles. They turned out pretty good, below are the steps that I took to make and can these great pickles. This is just what I did, PLEASE do not take these as real directions to can anything. I referenced Ball Blue Book guide to preserving (about $8 at WalMart).
Some green and some yellow. Both varieties were given to my by friends.
Prepackaged mix
Clean Jars
Canning pot, on the stove filled with water
Water and Vinegar waiting to go into the pot.
The canning Bible--full of lots of great information.
Step 1: Cut your cucumbers. These are done in spears, but I did some slices too.
Make sure you cut off the unusable ends and any bad spots.
Measure the pickling mix
5 cucumber = about 6 jars
This is before I sterilized the jars, I wanted to make sure I had enough jars.
Here you can see the slices (left side) and the spears (in front)
This is the pickling mix in the pot with the vinegar and water, waiting to boil.
This is the pickling mix HOT and ready to be poured on the cucumbers that are waiting in the HOT sterilized jars.
Pickles in the HOT water bath.
I kept them in the bath for 10 minutes
Finally pulled out of the water bath. I put them on a kitchen towel so the HOT jars didn't bust when they touched the cold granite of my counters.
It is OK that the cucumbers floated to the top of the jar, that is what is suppose to happen.
Look close you can see the top has popped. They are good to take the ring off and store for a year (according to the Ball Book).
I had one jar that did not seal properly, so it went into the fridge the next morning and we have been enjoying them this weekend. You are suppose to let the pickles sit for at least 24 hours before you enjoy them, but the longer they sit the more pickled they get. I did not open the jar that didn't set until lat Friday night, so they were nice and pickled. Tomorrow is the real test, a jar is going to work for everyone to sample.